What are you looking for when thinking about getting some family photos taken? I mean- seriously. I want you to dig deep and actually think about what you want.

I can't lie- I won't lie- I cringe when I visit family back in Pennsylvania and my grandparents want pictures and everyone has to stand and smile in front of a cell phone or three or four. I have no idea where to look, my eyes are always closed and if they aren't the pictures end up buried in my phone or my mother's, or whoever ended up offering up their phone in the first place. Endearing- yes- but the grainy- blurry outcome - with me staring at the phone hardly ever gets printed out and put into a photo book. There is no way you haven't had a similar experience- So I'm asking what pictures do you want in your photo book?

I want your family photos to be a departure from that experience of --cell phone-- or even a nice dslr/ mirrorless camera in your face while you stare into it. While I’m happy to grab a few ‘say cheese’ pics during all of my family sessions- I focus on capturing your family the way you are- right now- with *drum roll* your PERSONALITIES INTACT.

I'm saying this because I guarantee your kiddo is really funny or really sassy or goofy or sweet or obsessed with waffles or whatever ! I bet you find your babe hilarious, I know I do, and when I get family photos I want to show off how much fun we have, how we get our sweet girl to giggle, or I just want to capture our everyday life (maybe cooking pancakes, exploring rocks in a creek, laying in bed with lots of tickles, because THAT IS US). Even when she is super cranky- it's fine because THAT IS US.

So- What are you looking for when capturing your family? Seriously. What do YOU want- I'm not asking what do you think you should have on a Christmas card for the grandparents (because trust me when you go visit over the holidays they'll be snapping all the pictures they want anyways)- I'm asking you WHAT DO YOU WANT? What pictures do you want to look back on when your kiddos grow up, what photos do you want to dig out of a box cozied around a fire, drinking tea and eating cookies? I have a few spots left during the last two weeks of November- beginning of December for fall/ winter sessions. Let’s bundle up, play outside with the gorgeous Colorado backdrop, and capture your family just the way you are!